Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Bukittinggi: The Exotic City

Have you ever been to Bukittinggi? Bukittinggi is one of the most interesting places in West Sumatera. The mascot of Bukittinggi is Jam Gadang. Jam Gadang is located in the center of Bukittinggi city. If you go there at New Year's Eve, you should not miss the fireworks party because you can see wonderful fireworks in the sky at 00.00 A.M. until morning. Beside that, you can also enjoy the play, dance performance, and concert.

Then, if you want to relax and see good scenery, you should visit “Ngarai Sianok”. It is a wonderful canyon. You can refresh your mind because the scenery is extremely beautiful and so quiet. Not far from there, there is a history building which was built by Japanese. It is “Lubang Jepang”. It is an underground tunnel. The tunnel is very long. There are some jails there. At Japan Colonialism, Indonesian held there. You not only can look the history of Indonesia in Japan Colonialism there, but also hear it with a public phone. It is an unusual phone. If you enter a coin, you will hear someone tells a history.

If your hobby is shopping, Bukittinggi is the right place for it because you can buy clothes with cheaper price. The trades have good quality. In addition you can buy various souvenirs there.

Overall, you will regret if you don't try and bring Bukittinggi’s food, such as Krupuk Sanjai, Kripik Balado, and etc.

5 komentar:

Mi Yu mengatakan...

I'm so fascinating with your picture vira...

I haven't gone to sparkle party in Bukittinggi

I'm really want to go there

it will be fun

afril mengatakan...

i want to see firework in Bukit tinggi^^

yulia mengatakan...

i have gone there,,,but i have never seen the firework,,,,
sometime i will go to see it...

Simple boy mengatakan...

sounds nice, could you commend my blog at friendlyyoungman.blogspot.com

Niswatul Azizah mengatakan...

i've gone there, but not at New Year's Eve!!!!
Maybe next time...